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Sacrificed (Paperback, 496 pg) Chanette Paul

Sacrificed is the English translation of the best seller, Offerlam. The Congo, 1961: A man is murdered in cold blood and his beloved is left for dead. Fifty-three years later, Caz Colijn receives a phone call that tears her out of her reclusive life. In Belgium, where she tries to trace her and her daughter’s family origins, it becomes clear that that country’s colonial past has had as much impact on her life as the apartheid years in South Africa did. The phone call Professor Luc DeReu receives is less traumatic, but he too is ripped out of his familiar orbit when the woman he blames for his father’s premature death re-enters his bland existence. In the meantime, Erevu and his grandson must trace the nkisi taken from them more than five decades ago in order for them to fulfil their holy mission. When the paths of this group of people cross, it leads once again to murder.

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